Patriots & Paws Donate Household Goods to Families

There are hundreds of non-profits supporting our troops, but none so amazing and resourceful as Patriots & Paws located in Anaheim, Ca. Not only have they’ve secured wonderful sponsors to deliver truckloads of new and used household goods, but they also offer a complete warehouse for military and veterans to shop from in person!

During our warehouse tour, Patriots & Paws Founder and Board Chair Penny Lambright enthusiastically explained how her program helps Veterans, Active Duty, and Reservists 100% free of charge through charitable donations from individuals and businesses. She and her wonderful staff of volunteers bring practical household items and furnishings to families from Fresno to San Diego and are happily busy week in and week out. The huge facility has kitchen items, microwaves, dishes, towels, sheets, mattresses, chairs, tables, dining tables, bedroom & living room furniture, cleaning supplies, food, small electronics, lighting, mirrors, bed frames & box springs, air mattresses, patio furniture, rugs, couches, and more.

On-site are numerous memorials and visual representations of military appreciation and homage, including what Penny affectionately referred to as “The Broken Wall”. A makeshift fence-like memorial made of old pallets painted white with random scrawlings of messages, confessions, apologies, and promises serves as a therapeutic form of expression for veterans suffering some kind of trauma can anonymously let it out. They’re instructed to write whatever they like but must speak it aloud and leave it there. Over time, the Sharpie markers fade as the release of that burden hopefully does too. As tears began to fall from our staff’s eyes, she reminded us that no matter how broken you think you are, you still have a purpose and can help others like those old broken pallets.

If you are in need, send an email to or complete a request form at or call (714) 323-7229.

Penny and the team have weekday and Saturday appointments available to shop at her cashless thrift store. She recommends teaming up with friends and neighbors to save gas and, of course, take some time to visit area attractions or catch a ballgame.


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Do-It-Yourself Move-Out Cleaning Guide